Thursday, March 16, 2017

Gabapentin withdrawal

I finally received a script for a small amount of oxycodone (10 mg per day). With the intention of now taking oxycodone once a day instead of gabapentin, I took no gabapentin a couple days ago. Horrible withdrawal; probably worse than heroin withdrawal. Which is apparently supposed to last a month or longer. From a drug I never wanted to take in the first place.

Everything I'm experiencing from this withdrawal is what doctors arrogantly believed they were saving me from by refusing to prescribe oxycodone or any other opioid, even though I had no problem getting off oxycodone last year after taking it every day for five months; even though I have video evidence proving oxycodone allowed me to walk after I had lost the ability to walk.

My experience is that gabapentin is evil. Please think twice before taking it. About five times. Gabapentin has caused me an immeasurable amount of misery. All while not really helping me. Now withdrawal. I am physically dependent on a drug I never wanted to take in the first place. Any doctor who tries to tell you gabapentin is safer than opioids is a doctor you need to run from. Because they're horribly wrong. All they're doing is parroting what they've heard. Which probably originated with the company that manufactures this poison.


  1. Interesting that you have this blog, I went through what was supposed to be a very mild gabapentin withdrawal from shortterm use and casually noticed that my candida that I had for years disappeared, probably due to only being able to drink yogurt for food. I just learned about symptoms from candida die-off and was very intrigued to find that the symptoms of this are nearly identical to gabapentin withdrawal. It seems like there must be a link here... Candida

    1. also in candida dieoff and gabapentin withdrawal, magnesium is the suggested supplement for both...
